Purposeful and significance of the Corona epidemic

One of the human's thoughts challenges that can lead to an exciting look at terrible catastrophic phenomena like the Corona epidemic is to give up for a moment our usual causal explanation

Give up thinking only on causes – on what are the reasons for the spread of the virus or what is its scientific nature

Then adopt a new way of thinking, a purposeful vision. Be interested where things are leading to, or to focus on manifestations that will show up in the future, and what changes

By purposeful vision, we mean to understand future significance phenomena of changes, both at the general level and as phenomena in the individual's life

All this, of course, without a doubt that the Corona-type terrible disasters should be better prepared

Another new principle that can add understanding the corona for the individual is the principle of synchronicity (simultaneous appearance of two phenomena). Giving place to the uncaused link that can exist between two events, a law that to be accepted, we have again to give up the causal factor, that one phenomenon has brought by the other. According to that view, both events arrived simultaneously, because of some ordinary meaning. For example, the appearance of corona's danger on one hand and the need for humanity to remain in isolation at the base, at home, and the lack of understanding to feel a common destiny on the other. You can look at both phenomena as if the other, what we usually will do, cause one. However, you can think about both events as coming together in a synchronistic way.  

 The synchronistic approach can be right of both individual, and the collective, or both body and mind simultaneously, which is supposedly has a meaningful purpose. This meaning can be far from our conception but can become with little intuitive thinking, which temporarily neutralizes the causal factor.

Another enriching approach to understanding phenomena like those that the epidemic involves is the willingness to acknowledge and develop the spiritual view. The view that material realizations, such as the world-breaking corona, also has a symbolic attribute on a spiritual level of meaning: things happen we happen to be isolated, grounded, cautious, and less materialistic!  What does that mean? Looking at the symbolic meaning of items adds to the spiritual understanding. That means that beyond the symbolic spiritual perception, it can balance the standard view of concrete, as well as over-materialism and consumer compulsion.

Equipped with those three principles, without being detached from actual reality, we can try to understand what our global collective and personal worlds are going through, beyond the distress of the real epidemic and its addendum. In both private and family, cooperative and worldly with the outbreak of the Coronavirus at present, people are going through a psychic, social, and economic despair.

So let us ask ourselves, what is the epidemic causing in the real reality? First, how and in what way does it hurt people? Besides, we will see what the phenomena are coming up, where things will leading at, what is changing in each individual's mental and material world. Next to what we notice happening, the whole world, in what we call the "psyche of the world."

As an infectious and widespread viral disease in the world, the corona has an extremely high circulation promoter. Second, the condition damages the immune system, and it mainly kills the souls of adults and patients with other diseases.

Inflammation of the disease impairs the functioning of the lungs and mostly in the tired and aging respiratory system. It is life shorten.

Besides, we can look at the same way into the soul.  

Because of both, injury to body and damage the soul of the individual, the conduct of the world" we may ask, what will come out of it to the" world's soul"? "   

What does the distress is leading at, in the individual soul: a new balance to the soul and the psyche immune system and may be in the world's soul a new way of solidarity a new balance   

From this point, we can accept the disease and its phenomena temporarily shock to all of us, both materially as well as mentally. The condition, on the one hand, can balance and even disassemble, not only the physical health but also the individual's mental and respiratory immune system, but May later also change and rebalance the parts of the mind and reconnect to consciousness.

As we see, the reaction of the world, the various countries, and the details that live within them: is panic, anxiety, fear to be alone and yet a need and an order to stop, shut up in homes and change.  To change the extroverted lifestyle, the constant traveler, everything that is typical material that was the right lifestyle.

Humans who have become accustomed to thinking and living in a big, broad, and all material and consumer capacity feel more vulnerable or anxious to themselves, and especially to their significant adults. They are more careful about each other, moving away, more hygienic, and locking themselves in their homes with themselves and the advanced media, which helps them function,  that they are not alone, and disconnected from the world.

, without deliberate thought, there is a feeling of partnership, a unity of the soul of the world, and a personal sense being part of the rule. Be a part of everyone who is looking to stop the plague and overcome it at the cost of staying life.

Of course, some of the side effects of panic and helplessness are frustration, anger, the tendency to blame and project the fears on others, and other survival and skirmishing mechanisms characteristic of existential frustration and anxiety.

Another element that stands out when securing homes in cities without wandering in nature, which results in a temporary and perhaps brief change in the relation between man and environment around him. Nature was alone for a while, without humans, their movement, damage, and exploitation. Besides, maybe human inward nature is in this position too.

So, with a purposeful view, how do we understand what the new creation or where does this "coronary" epidemic lead? What kind of simultaneous connection to human illness emerge, and how both on a personal level and a world level, can we find meaning that we derive and not only to stay hurt and frightened.

Have the corona and its phenomena come to balance something of extrovert a tendency to multiple journeys, getting away from the basics, the inexhaustible search for all that is important and precious away and not near you? And whether the value of traveling as much as possible, visiting everywhere, and how much more you go indicates your broad and well-developed personality

Did the corona and its associated phenomena come to balance the all-encompassing human hubris, in man's takeover of technology, in search of eternal life, the occupation of space, and a sense of God-like supremacy

In addition, whether the corona may have come to enhance and consolidate the feeling together of the world. To feel the unity of the soul of the world, of global solidarity, in the shared vulnerability of all of us mortal, vulnerable, and fragile human beings, with similar lungs and weakness and of a general and private soul, human and fragile

In addition, on a personal level, what was characteristic person moving away from home, himself, from his inner center? Will the balance be to a small lifestyle that is more introverted?  Less running around? A little less cosmopolitanism, and result in a better immunity of the individual soul by connection with his home, himself, nature, spirit, and soul?   Better connection to the environment around him?

It would seem that this is another way of thinking, a form of trying to find one timeliness purpose, and possibly teach and reassures about what is happening to the whole world and ourselves more spiritually.  

The introvert balance, between the outside world, between nature, my solidarity with the world, and the feeling of vulnerability and fragility and me may come at the right synchronous time, and they may, of course, create a person with better mental immunity.

Connection and meaning, openness to the spiritual world, at both the individual level and external at the world level, can also be a mode of observation that should balance us after the catastrophe.



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