האם ישנה דרך שלא ניפול לארכיטיפ הזקן או הזקנה, ה-senex השלילי, אשר עלול להביא אותנו לזקנים נוקשים, למוסרניים, בעלי הרגלים כפייתיים חוזרים, להפכינו למטיפים, לביקורתיים. האם יש דרך שבעת הזקנה לא נעשה דמוניזציה של כל מה שקורה עכשיו סביבנו, שניטה להאדרת העבר, לשלילת העתיד ולהצמדות כפייתית לחוקים ולסדר הישן. האם קיימת אפשרות שלא נידבק לנרטיב
The Stranger Patient: The Healer and Key to Development
" I translated my childhood forests into my new homeland's rocky soil and acacia trees." German Israeli poet Yehuda Ami-Chai 1955 In my work as a therapist, I have noted that the archetype of the Stranger shows up among patients in two principal situations. Either during the first half of life, when the psyche’s synchronistic
המשמעות הפסיכולוגית של מעמד הר סיני עבור הציר אני עצמי
פרשת כי תישא עוסקת בבניית הציר שבין העם ואלוהיו בין אלוהים ואדם, בקרע ובפיצול, בניסיונות האיחוד עד כריתת ברית שהיא איחוי וחיבור ביניהם. חיבור בין אלוהים ואדם ובציר האישי שלנו, של כל אחד בקשר שבין אגו האני כמרכז תודעה לעצמי הגבוהה והכולל-ציר אני עצמי. בקשר שבין הניצחי והבר-חלוף. יונג: "כל דבר שיש לו עניין
Sun and Moon sign their combination in situations of distress, entanglement, and pathology? What is the picture
What is the characteristic of each solar sign in combination with the sign of the moon when the sign members have become entangled in mental distress or when a mental-physical problem develops in them? How the sign added to the problem created, the astrological climate, their sun sign, and the moon sign and how characterizes
Unity and separation-Individuation in marriage and couplehood
The arena of couplehood and marriage are extremely central to mental development in adult life. The development will also occur through the ability to reach a better and more complete unity within them, which may later allow separation-individuation and connection to the self of both members of the couple. Reaching the separated self will be
How did the world create? -The Greek myths of creation-pre-consciousness
Posted in Hebrew on July 25, 2016, by Avi Baumann "The world exists and is created and formed in each moment, sometimes it is destroyed but also renewed and within it, and from its ashes, the man was created who became an observer, an admirer, a thinker, and a learner, and in the power
Prometheus the Creator of Man & The Wounded Healer Chiron as the Shapers of Human Consciousness
The forward-thinking Prometheus the Titan will symbolize the principle and the creative and creative forces in human beings. the creator, innovating forces that sometimes breathe life into the noses and noses of previous generations. Prometheus is, for us, the principle that will create and take care of the interests of his creatures. Prometheus is a
Psyche is the heroine of love – about the reincarnation of the emotion of love and the work of marriage
Psyche is the heroine of love, and the incarnation of the emotion of love and the work of marriage are the subjects of her overcoming and development. And because she is as heroic as the other heroes, she is challenged by the gods or goddesses. And like the heroes of the sun, whose symbiosis with
Eros & Power, the psychological meaning of the Hero Theseus and his war against The Minotaur
Coping with the power of passion, Eros, and everything in between the place of the emotional-human relationships In the myth of Theseus, we will see a system of interesting cooperation of several gods, in fact, some different archetypal forces that share in the creation and development of the human Ego& self that is being shaped
The Encounter with the world of death in the Transitions of life, in changing Consciousness and in Creativity, Mental and Spiritual meaning
The mental and spiritual meaning of encountering the world of death, to feel death while we are still alive, is associated with breakdowns and losses, both in life transitions, consciousness transitions, and creative processes. The phenomenon of death is with us in life itself wherever we turn, in the perishable nature around us, in the